A downloadable game

Escape IKEA by finding the Magic Meatball!

You are trapped in IKEA!  The only way out is to eat the Magic Swedish Meatball of Deliverance before the flying Spaghetti Monster finds you! (Note there is no actual flying spaghetti monster in the game so just pretend)

Hit the W key to move forward and use the mouse to steer yourself

Once you find the meatball and get the Winning green text, you can hit Alt-F4 to quit and play again.  A different maze every time!

Most of the game was due to the Unity Package "Maze Generator" https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/modeling/maze-generator-38689

Also, used the Third Person controller from Unity Standard Assets 2018 https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/asset-packs/standard-assets-for...

Finally, stole the furniture from Hospital Horror Pack https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/hospital-horror-pack-44045



Install instructions

Unzip and run one_hour_game_jam_3d.exe

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