A downloadable game

Armed Forces Jam 2023 Challenge : Modeling and Simulation Training

Ever wondered what "LVC" means?  This web-based training game introduces the concept of "Live, Virtual, and Constructive" with a 3 player game.  BLUFOR player (Virtual) navigates through a minefield collecting as many coins as possible before the time runs out.  In the meantime, OPFOR player (Constructive) places mines on the map.  Finally, RECON player, the "Eye in the Sky", watches both screens and helps the BLUFOR player avoid the mines!

Video : https://vimeo.com/862954686

Controls : 

BLUFOR : WASD and mouse controls to look around

W - forward

A - strafe left

S - backwards

D - strafe right

OPFOR : Number pad to place random mines in the 9 quadrants of the map:

1 - upper left

2 - upper middle

3 - upper right

4 - middle left

5 - center

6 - middle right

7 - lower left

8 - lower middle

9 - lower right

OPFOR starts with 20 coins - placing a mine costs 2 coins

BLUFOR starts with 5 coins and collects as many as possible

If BLUFOR hits a mine they give a coin to the OPFOR

After the timer runs out, the player with the highest score wins!


Team Members:

Mike Bianchini

Andy Darby

Connor Darby

Logan Darby

Brendan Howard

Doug Brozek

Ron Hyatt

Melody Hyatt

Nick Piazza

Ruby Lee McDonald 


EyeInTheSky.zip 138 MB

Install instructions

Install Instructions:

Download the EyeInTheSky.zip


Double click VRDwork.exe


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(1 edit)

Congratulations Mike, Ruby, and team on winning the Best Sound/Music/FX Special Challenge. The game looks and sounds a lot of fun and I especially love the Wilhelm Screams, lol. I miss you guys!


Oh man we miss you too brother!  It wasnt the same without you!

Sorry about that, I'll make sure to join a jam virtually as soon as I can. And join a jam in person when I have the money to take a vacation back down.